Incode Group and Hello, Ukraine at Web Summit 2024 in Lisbon

Our partner IT company Incode Group attended the Web Summit 2024 in Lisbon (11–14 November). Solomiya, Incode Group's digital marketer, met foreign colleagues and sought new working partnerships, as well as spoke about the charity's activities and distributed Incode Group and Hello, Ukraine merchandise to those who wanted to attend:
— This year's Web Summit was attended by more than 70,000 people. I managed to meet only 250 of them. I told each of them about Incode Group, the foundation and the idea of Hello, Ukraine. People reacted in different ways: some were enthusiastic, while others expressed their condolences about the war in Ukraine. People do care. They know what is happening and are ready to support. So we need to tell more, we need more initiatives to remind, remind and remind again. The Hello, Ukraine Foundation is about uniting volunteers and people, about the opportunity to remind the world about Ukraine again and again!

Web Summit was founded in Dublin in 2009 by Irish entrepreneur Paddy Cosgrave. Since 2009, Web Summit has gathered together over a million business people from around the world. During the year, Web Summit now hosts events around the world. Its flagship event is Web Summit in Lisbon, which takes place every November. Web Summit’s mission has been to create software that enables meaningful connections between the CEOs, founders, investors, media, politicians and cultural figureheads who are reshaping the world.